The Galactic War is now one year in, and Helldivers 2 players are still hard at work fending off the Automatons, Terminids, and now The Illuminate, which made their appearance in the game following The Game Awards 2024.
Despite 10 months of anticipation for their arrival, Helldivers 2 players haven’t quite taken to The Illuminate as Arrowhead Game Studios may have hoped for. This is largely due to the lack of enemy types and mission variety, both of which will likely be fixed in the coming months.
But for now, players can divert their attention away from the alien faction as the next Major Order has gone live and focuses on the Automatons and Terminids.

Super Earth has announced that the latest Major Order was a success, which helped push back the Automaton forces. However, The Illuminate is making strides in sending the blackhole towards Moradesh, which is the next step to Super Earth’s destruction.
In a Major Order briefing, Helldivers 2 players were informed of the success, as well as granted the rewards for their efforts saying,
“The Automatons have been repelled from Claorell. The Deep Mantle Forge Complex remains within our domain, secure from being bent to despotic means.
Intercepted messages, acquired during the enemy’s disorganized retreat, have shed some light on their intentions. The enemy endeavors to replace the fallen Jet Brigade with something even more unthinking and vicious.
Denying the enemy the high-temperature Forge will not have stopped them completely, but our intel agents can now pursue more information about this potential threat.
The Illuminate have rapidly accelerated the Meridian Wormhole towards Moradesh. The scientists working at the Research Facility there have been evacuated. Their Dark Fluid experiments have been prematurely abandoned. What technological benefit they could have provided will be destroyed—along with the planet itself.”

The next Helldivers 2 Major Order has gone live, turning attention away from The Illuminate and focusing solely on the Automatons and Terminids. For this Major Order, players have been tasked with wiping out hundreds of millions of enemies to allow Super Earth to secure E-710, a much-needed energy source to help fuel the Galactic War.
“The Center of Science, aided by massive amounts of E-710 secured from the Gloom by the Helldivers, have achieved a breakthrough discovery.
It has been understood for some time that Illuminate accumulation of Dark Energy directly correlates to the speed at which the Singularity moves. But the mechanism has remained a mystery. Now, analysis of gravitational waves has revealed that the Illuminate are sending accumulated Dark Energy directly into the Singularity itself. High Command has therefore ordered the establishment of a blockade surrounding the Meridian Singularity.
Though Illuminate interstellar ships remain undetectable, and their means of Dark Energy transport remains unknown, High Command is nevertheless highly confident that a conventional military blockade is the most effective option that has been thought of at this time.
The Helldivers are ordered to aid in resource gathering for the fielding of this massive blockade fleet. Billions of gallons of E-710 and tons of scrap metal will be required. This material will be gathered directly from the enemies of Freedom.”

In total, the Helldivers 2 community needs to collectively wipe out;
- 1 billion Automatons
- 1.5 billion Terminids
- 6 million Shredder Tanks
- 8 million Bile Titans
So far, players are slightly behind schedule, but with it now being the weekend the community should make great strides over the coming days.
Although it is a nice change of pace to not focus on The Illuminate, it is worrying to ponder how much further toward destroying Super Earth they will be while our attention is elsewhere. It does seem that Super Earth may be destroyed during this Galactic War and its surviving occupants will need to find a new planet to call home.